Thursday, 1 December 2011

Rejection of an image

Below is an image which when I first saw it I thought was delightful.

I love the colours, but with a clearer image the lack of focus at both the front and back of the image become apparent.

For this reason I tried to crop the image - again to 10 by 8 inches.

Unfortunately the lack of focus is still a distraction. I like the colours and overall composition, but feel it needed a greater depth of field to give a sharpness throughout.

Unfortunately - a reject!

If you check in my choice of final images you will see that upon further reflection, and hearing the views of colleagues, I have reconsidered and included this image in my final selection!! Details of reasons are given in that blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Val

    I would disagree with you. What you have is a shallow depth of field - only clearly in focus across a narrow band. I would argue that your first reaction is the right one. Rather than distracting you have discovered Bokah - the blur outside of the focused area.

    The Autumnal colours are great - could ask whether the leaves are a strong enough subject in their own right? Quite possibly.

    Re composition - treat the blurred areas as part of the composition - horizontal framing for the element in focus.

